The EIB Group will plant more than 6,000 trees in Luxembourg by 2026 on behalf of its employees, contributing to the region's environmental goals. We are choosing various species of trees to allow the restoration of forests affected by climate change or destroyed by insects and diseases. This action comes in addition (and is not related) to the EIB Group’s annual purchase of verified carbon credits to offset its net residual corporate greenhouse gas emissions since 2014.
Bénéfices estimés des arbres plantés ou préservés
The European Investment Bank Group helps economies flourish, creates jobs and promotes equality. Our activities focus on climate and environment, development, innovation, small and medium-sized businesses, infrastructure and cohesion. Our Climate Bank Roadmap outlines our bold climate ambitions to help Europe become a carbon-neutral continent.
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Actualités de Reforest'Action
06 min
Reforest’Action autour du monde : entretien avec Julixet Mormontoy, notre Project Officer au Pérou
Lire l'article05/06/2023
09 min
Repenser notre modèle agricole avec l'agricuxlture régénératrice : entre développement économique et préservation des ressources
Lire l'article02/06/2023
09 min