Reflets d'Ailleurs is committed to responsible tourism and the fight against global warming, and has set itself a twofold objective: to maximise the positive spin-offs of tourism for local communities, but also to minimise its harmful effects on the environment, foremost among which are greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. How can we do this? By reducing the proportion of long-haul journeys and taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by activities at the destination, by offering eco-labelled accommodation, cleaner modes of transport and environmentally-friendly activities.

16 000
arbres plantés ou préservés
15 000
crédits carbone financés

Bénéfices estimés des arbres plantés ou préservés

2 400
teqCO2 estimées sur 30 ans
48 000
abris pour animaux crées
64 000
mois d'oxygène générés
16 000
heures de travail créées
Reflets d'Ailleurs

This tour operator is now including in all its offers a financial contribution to the overall carbon neutrality of the Rimba Raya REDD+ certified project in Indonesia, which aims to preserve 47,237 ha of forest, marshes and peat bogs, an area rich in biodiversity including the Bornean orang-utan (an endangered species), which was initially to be converted by the government into 4 oil palm plantations.

J’agis pour la régénération des écosystèmes

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