Reforest’Action / Entreprises contributrices / Responsible Investment USA Inteligo

Your commitment to responsible investment is a tangible contribution towards the energy transition. Today, we propose you to plant a tree to take action towards reforestation, fight against climate change and develop biodiversity. Thus, 1 tree will be planted each 1,000 EUR invested in a responsible investment product.

2 883
arbres plantés ou préservés

Bénéfices estimés des arbres plantés ou préservés

teqCO2 estimées sur 30 ans
8 649
abris pour animaux crées
11 532
mois d'oxygène générés
2 883
heures de travail créées
Responsible Investment USA Inteligo

As part of distribution campaigns of responsible investment products, you can take action towards ecological transition. Your responsible investment enables to have a concrete, local and measurable impact. It generates not only social and environmental benefits, notably by financing players in energy transition, but it also contributes to reforestation, thus having a local impact on biodiversity, climate, and jobs supported by the plantation of your tree.